Full Name : Muhammad Iqbal
Place and Birthday : Jakarta, 11 October 1989
Address : Jl. Pahlawan.gang bengkel tambal ban rt 505/04 no. 66 bulak kapal Bekasi
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesia
Sex : Male
Education : Senior High School
Hp : 085711822428
E-mail /facebook :


SDN Pancawati III
MTs As-sakienah Indramayu
MA As-sakienah Indramayu


I can communicate with English well
I can operate computer well


2007-2008 As a teacher in MTs NU Indramayu
And As a teacher in MTs AL-Hasanat Karawang

To: Bekasi
Human Resource Department

Dear Sir.

Having heard that in your course needs someone to be placed as teacher; herewith I like you to consider me to be placed for that position.

My name is Muhammad Iqbal. I’m 20 years of age and in good health. I was graduated from Senior High school. As for experience, I had a experience of English teaching at school. Although I never get experience in a certain course but I’m sure I can work well in your course, I have always been told that I have a pleasant personality, an easy-going, and can get along with people well.

Herewith this application I attach my CV, copy of ID-card, photo,and active certificate that I’m student of English Department in UNISMA 45 Bekasi.

I am looking forward in having dialogue in person regarding this application at your suitable opportunity time. Thank you for your attention and your time to read my application.

Sincerely yours,

Muhammad Iqbal

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