How to take care and get ready riding motor cycle
As we know in previous times ago. People used bicycle for their transportation, whether for going to school, market, or working. and sometimes they not really walk on foot because at that time the technology still not yet develops and develops. Use bicycle could give advantages to the user its self and to nature such as physical body's people more health and the nature more fresh caused of they do physical body activity when ride it and no pollution that out from it. In a row of changing year by year especially in modernization where all technology was developing and developing people change their transportation from bicycle to the motor cycle and much other transportation they have changed. And finally more than people use it. the question, are they know how to take care and ride it well...???? The fact is some of the user after buying and possessing it, they don't really understand and pay attention to the escort book of riding and take care it. Which has already provided from factory. finally as a consequence motor cycle that they have can not hold on for long time and perhaps will damage rapidly. for instant much damage from it. from side of engine and the body of it will broken the sign that it is has broken the gas which out through from muffler be dirty and will out dark gas added by lusterless body of it which is untidy looking the end it is unsuitable and uncomfortable when use it.
And here let's we take look several step how t take care and prefer riding motor cycle well
1. the step for take care motor cycle
a. you have to heat the machine before going to any where at least five minutes
b. The standardization service your motor cycle each mouth to dealers or workshop. at least don't late over three mouth this activity include cleaning carburetor as significant one and setting the calve
c. Chose the best quality oil motor cycle
d. In rainy season when your motor cycle wetted by rain you have to directly wash and clean it. If you let it in dirty the iron will stain and hard to clean
e. At least wash the motor cycle per two weeks with use special shampoo for motor cycle such as kit shampoo, roky shampoo, and many other kind of shampoo for you motor cycle. And if has drayed you might put some of cleaner body motor cycle one of them like kit in order to make it good looking when people look at it.
2. Several step preparing riding motor cycle
a. make sure body health and relax it before riding
b. Heat the engine about five minutes
c. Check the wind size tire, setting of chain, right and left rearview mirror the function to look at vehicle at back and the lamps, the lamp that far distance and near distance and turning signal lamps which is right and left.
d. The position of body that the rider seat don't too front of and don't too back in order to make more comfortable seat.
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